Recipient History

Christie Collins, The Development of Western Music from 1500-1900, 1982

Steven Vinton, 1983

Paul Harney, 1985

James Marley Winslow, 1986

Margaret McCue, 1987

Michele Wucker, 1988

Kenneth Wood, 1989

Karl Johnson, Aboriginal Art in Australia, 1990

Justin Rice, Bonefishing in Los Roques, Venezuela, 1991

Olaf Rectenwald, Evolution of Finnish Architecture, 1992

Arisa Miller, Travelling Artist in South America, 1993

Jeff Allen, Megalithic Culture in India, 1994

Lara Bruckman, Folk Music in Ireland and Scotland, 1995

Gerald Falchook, Physicians for Human Rights in Israel, 1996

Ryan Krech, Morocco, 1996

Ron-Li Liaw, Trekking in Napal, 1997

Elizabeth Maletz, Architecture of Berlin and Venice, 1998

Bryce Brownlee, The Path of the First Crusade in Turkey, 1999

Zahra Jamal, Isma’ili History in Tajikistan, 1999

Alicia Ware, Women of the Peruvian Highlands, 2000

Rebecca Bergquist, Infrastructure and Buildings of remote Himalayan Areas, 2001

Robert Hawke, Boricua Rhythms: Music and Rhythm in Puerto Rico, 2001

Martha Jeong, A Journey to the Buddhist Temples of Korea, 2002

Falan Mouton, The Evolution of Kenyan Society due to the Escalating Presence of Orphans 2003

Ian White, Songline Among the Aboriginals of Australia, 2003

Hubert Gorniak, The Polish Habitus: A Documentary Approach, 2004

Thomas Gray, An Irish Perspective on the History of Irish Dance, 2004

Leslie McAhren, Responding with an Artistic Voice: Los Desaparecidos & Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, 2004

Davis Niendorff, Building Psychotropic: In and Out of Silent Nordic Rhythms, 2004

Meredith Gray, Pre-Christian Religious Beliefs and Mythology in Ireland and Scandinavia, 2005

Sabina Bharwani, International Healthcare Policy with a Focus on Disabilities, 2005

Laura Higbie, Life as a Kiwi, 2005

Kristin Bresnahan, The Chilean Court and Judicial Systems, 2006

Catherine Althea Skinner, Dancing to the Beat of the Brazilian Drum, 2006

Theresa Ring, Teaching in Guatemala: Overcrowded Schools and No Supplies, 2006

Matt McLeod, Racism in France, 2006

Jeremy Caves, Tree-lines along the Colorado Trail, 2006

Ikeogu Imo, Investing in Human Development: The Challenges for Nigeria’s Next Generation, 2006

Brandon Chalifoux, Outdoor Culture in Quebec: Discovery by Bicycle, 2007

Yordanos Gebretatios, Infectious Disease and Children’s Health, 2007

Jake Schornick, St. Patrick: Bringing Christianity to a Pagan World, 2007

Mary Lambrakos, Call and Response: Malian Terra Cottas in Western Scholarship, 2007

Robert McAuliffe, Study of University Art Galleries in the British Isles, 2008

Lolley McConnell, Independent Film in the United Kingdom, 2008

Shuai (Steve) Xu, The Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Regional Disparities in its Practice and the Patients it Serves, 2008

Rachel Solnick, Argentine Tango Documentary in Buenos Aires, 2008

Erika Allen, To Find Myself . . . , 2009

Kristen Hallberg, Iceland: Becoming the World’s first Hydrogen and Zero Carbon Economy in the Wake of an Economic Collapse, 2009

Kelley Liao, Ethnographic Observations of Special Education in Ulaanbaatar: Studying Methods of Therapy and Intervention for Students with Mental Disabilities in Mongolia, 2009

Olufemi (Sam) Oke, Cairo, A City of Great History and Great Challenges, 2009

Gabi Chennisi, Babushka: A Documentary on the Marginalized Elderly of Kazakhstan, 2010

Jonathan Endean, Exploring My Religious Roots: A Trip to the “Holy Land”, 2010

Ly Hoang, How Grandparents Help Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease: A Study of Cardiovascular Diseases from a Sociological Perspective, 2010

Tara Slough, El Sistema: Mitigating the Urban-Rural Divide in Access to the Arts in Venezuela, 2011

Laura Williams, PATHS: A field study of regular and irregular urban plans, 2011

Margay Dean, Sketches of Spain:  Describing the Country in the Fourth Genre, 2011

Sangyoon Lee, Let’s go by train!, 2011

Monica He, The Meaning of My Birth, Contextualizing Childbirth in China, 2012

Colleen Fugate, Mexican Women in the Informal Labor Market, 2012

Trent Navran, Exploring the Minds of Monks, 2012

Farrah Madanay, Sobering Sights of a Horrific Past: An Examination of Holocaust Concentration Camps in Poland and Germany, 2012

June Deng, Seeing Patterns, Making Patterns: Designing scarves inspired by pattern-making techniques in Yunnan and Tibet, 2013

Rebecca Loftis, Emerging LGBT Rights in Brazil, 2013

Heather Olson, Exploring Art’s Social Power: Dynamics of Cultural Identification in South African Contemporary Art, 2013

Rosemary Salvucci, Sounds and Stules Across Place and Time: Bass Playing and Bass Making in Germany and Italy, 2013

Celia Fiallos, Graffiti Architecture, 2014

Clara Goodwin, Becoming an Opera Director, 2014

McKenna Mitchell, Images: Visualizing the Geologic Processes of Iceland through a Scientific Lens, 2014

Lydia Smith, Places of My Ancestry: A Visual Inquiry of Cemeteries in the English Country Side, 2014

Spencer Seballaos, Medicine along the Mekong: The Intersection of Communism, Buddhism and Science in the Laotian Health Care System, 2015

Marica Sharashenidze, Define Public, 2015

Madeleine Tibaldi, The Major Minority: Exploring the Turkish Diaspora in Berlin, 2015

Justin Park, BbaliBbali! – Exploring the Tempo of Life in Korea and Its East Asian Neighbors, 2016

Michael Robinson, Deconstruction of the Arab/Israel “Other” Through Education, 2016

Radhika Sharma, The Life of a Chinese Coffee Bean: Yunnan to Beijing, 2016

Sonia Hamer, Holocaust Memory in Modern Germany, 2017

Ella Matsuda, Mistletoe: The Underdog of the Malagasy Tropics, 2017

Jiawen Xie, Research on E-commerce in East Asia: China and Japan, 2017

Joyce Chen, Wai-shen-ren Veterans, 2018

Lara Hansmann, A Survey of Scandanavian Design: The Construction of an Identity, 2018

Eliza Martin, Mexico and Peru: Liberalism in the 19th Century

Jordan Sims, Examining Abundances of Viruses in Coral Mucus During Bleaching, 2018

Arlen Suarez, Exploring the Curative Medicine of Indigenous Peru, 2018

Si Yue Yu, Community and Housing in Modern China, 2018

Gennifer Geer, Political Efficacy of Okinawans in Japan, 2019

Cole Lambo, A Study of Kazakhstan, 2019

Amanda Quan, Breaking Silence: The Untold Stories of Rohingya, 2019

Kenna Dixon, Nafiza Meher, and Jonathan Woo, 2023

Fernanda Padilla Colin: NYC Latine Experience, Maya Habrake: Korean History and Culture Samuel Lee: Third Places of New York, Peter Reynolds: Beauty in Transit: Naples to New York, 2024